List of products by brand Affralux
AFFRALUX company is headquartered in Ponte San Marco (BS).
A small company very well known abroad, because export has always been a true vocation. Since the seventies, AFFRALUX has exported its products all over Europe, the USA and even in the Far East.
The company stands out for its safety, quality and environmental respect. The disposal of old luminaires, now governed by very stringent standards, is encouraged by AFFRALUX through a convention to a consortium dealing with recycling and possibly controlled disposal of lighting fixtures
Luce Più has chosen to become an official dealer because the company is able to boast great deal of relationship with its dealers and guarantees excellent security and environmental compliance policies, increasingly important issues nowadays.
In this section of our catalog you will find several products of the AFFRALUX company, such as CRYSTALLIVS, NORA, TANGO.
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